Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 6, 2011

Điều chỉnh loa cho B7610

1. Dial Auto Setting code: *#0002*28346#
Now the screen will show 17 device audio settings (and some mic options) you can adjust to set Volume. We will just tackle one setting for it is applicable to all...
Music Speaker- this setting will adjust device's main audio (startup/shutdown tone,phone pad tone, music through the speaker,phone beeps,notifications,game/application audio)
2. Select Music Speaker,and tap "Gain"
Now AFAIK, the only settings you must change are:


OutPut Volume Control (08h)
L1VL2~0 (Main Master Volume)
HPG7~4 (Audio Gain)
Speaker Volume Control (01h)
SPKVOL4~0 (Speaker Volume)

(Other options are for mic, for left and right channels and for power management, let's just leave them)
Now about their values. I'm not sure, but I think the settings uses binary values (0,00,1,11...) By default almost all audio volumes are set in 1110 or 30 in decimal and Master Volume at 101 or 5. The Maximum for the values above are: Master Volume 7 (111), Audio level gain is 15 (1111), Speaker Volume 31 (1111)
The default values of B7610 (Music Speaker) is Master Volume:5 (101) Audio Gain:11 (1011) Speaker Volume:30 (11110)

3. Now we will increase the Music Speaker Audio, again it will increase the following: startup/shutdown tone,phone pad tone, music through the speaker,phone beeps,notifications,game/application audio. Set these Values:


OutPut Volume Control (08h)
L1VL2~0 (Main Master Volume) 111
HPG7~4 (Audio Gain) 1111
Speaker Volume Control (01h)
SPKVOL4~0 (Speaker Volume) 11111 (Note:default is 11101 or 30, so at 1111 or 31 we are just adding 1 level, but really makes the speaker louder)

Now it is important,before hitting apply, to set:


L1VL2~0 (Main Master Volume) 111
HPG7~4 (Audio Gain) 1111

If you missed this and hit apply, there will be no audio. If this happens, don't worry, just edit Music Speaker and set the above and press apply.
You will now have louder internal Speaker Audio....
Now if you want to adjust other audio settings (FM radio speaker,Ringtone,Tvout etc.) Just repeat 1-4 (choosing the selected audio setting of course),and hit apply.
But you will notice you don't have any audio. do step 5.
5. You must set again the "Master Main Volume" which is in Music Speaker values to:
OutPut Volume Control (08h)
L1VL2~0 (Main Master Volume) 111
HPG7~4 (Audio Gain) 1111

Hit apply and you will have the increased/decrease audio for the selected audio setting.
Things to remember:
1. If you intend to increase/decrease volume of the internal speaker of any audio setting, edit below to appropriate level (remember default is 30, so if you wanna increase it (maximum is 31) or lower it, use a scientific calculator to convert, for example 31 to binary, which is 11111)


Speaker Volume Control (01h)
SPKVOL4~0 (00000-11111)

2. If you intend to increase/decrease volume of the earphone output of any audio setting, edit below to appropriate level (Set them with same levels to have balanced stereo audio):


Left Headphone Volume Control (02h)
HPLVOL4~0 (default 11101)
Right Headphone Volume Control (03h)
HPLVOL4~0 (11101)


3. After all adjustments be sure to adjust Music Speaker (step 5 above)
That's all rolleyes.gif
-Now with these adjustment + setting Music audio effect to SRS WOW, this will make really loud music playing through the speakers...
-Really useful for applications like Pocket Noise and Shoot-Em-Up, which are really fun if your device have loud speakers....

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